21 June, 2009

New and Improved

Well, it is time. After much demand for updated information, we have created a new blog for both Blake and myself. If you would like to continue in the saga of our lives, join in at jessnblake.blogspot.com. See you there!!

05 April, 2009

Okay, I'm addicted...

And to prove the previously mentioned addiction.... Here are a few more of my latest projects.

A bit of color change...

A switch of backgrounds...

A bit of a learning experience, but fun!

Just a slight touch with the colors (nothing with the water though)...

Enjoy! :)

01 April, 2009

Photoshop Fun

So, lately I've been exploring the wonderful world of Photoshop. I think I've become addicted, but running out of the simple options to play with. Yeah, definitely not great at it, but I had some fun with a few of the cool options and wanted to share a few, so here you go.

A little Mary Poppins reminicent....

From a photo too dark to really see anything, but gorgeous when played with...

One of Blake's favorites...

A funky painted/drawn look...

And an oh so sweet one. My second favorite.

Hope you enjoy, and no, I won't quit my day job just yet... Give it a month. :)

01 March, 2009

He Asked.....

And I said YES!
So everyone has an update, yes, it happened! :)  I got to Australia on Wednesday morning and was proposed to that night.  It wasn't exactly expected on either sides, but as he was vocalizing some oh so sweet words, it flowed naturally to that point.  Of course he couldn't use his best material and not ask. :)  It was at his house and not what he had planned on doing, so he proposed again on Friday as he initially intended.  Who could ask for more?  Two proposals in one week!  He's lucky I said yes both times. ;)
The second proposal was a good romantic setting of the beach at night.  The water was black with the waves crashing in white with the light sandy beaches.  There was a cool breeze and amazing stars.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.
As for the rest of the trip, it's been a lot of fun with a trip to a wild animal sanctuary (where I was able to hold a koala and baby crocodile, pet kangaroos, and feed Lorakeets), Wet and Wild, and Australian Spectacular.  That's all in 4 days!  I can't wait to see what the rest of the trip brings.  Pictures and more to come (other than the ring of course).

16 October, 2008

Me - At the Moment

I am...

i am: sleepy
i think: time can drag on sometimes

i know: November is coming quick

i want: a husky

i have: a lot of things to get done
i miss: the freedom of being in school
i dislike: tomatoes
i fear: being alone in the dark
i feel: anxious
i hear: a hot accent
i smell: good
i crave: a good night sleep
i cry: whenever the general authorities tell those sad/touching stories
i usually: work too much
i wonder: how things will turn out
i regret: that I don't take advantage of every experience that comes my way
i love: the rain
i care: too much sometimes
i always: think
i worry: what's going to happen in my future
i am not: going to stop believing in miracles
i remember: a lot
i believe: in laughing
i dance: in the car
i sing: almost all the time
i don’t always: trust enough
i argue: about dishes
i write: lots of emails
i win: something special
i lose: too much when moving
i wish: I'll get a happy beginning and ending
i listen: intently
i don't understand: the heart
i can usually be found: online
i am scared: of being alone
i need: to have faith

i am happy: most of the time

05 October, 2008

Birthday Workout

I'm OLD!!! Okay, so not really old, but older than I was a year ago. :) Instead of going all out and having a rip roaring party, I decided to do something a little more...exhausting. There is a beautiful waterfall up in Layton Canyon, so I convinced a couple friends of mine to put up with my lack of muscle prowess and make the hike. It was beautiful! Unfortunately my camera is too big to take along, so I had to get pictures from the guys' cameras. This is our little group after the 1 1/2 hour hike upwards.

A full view of the waterfall....How in the world am I supposed to get myself AND Jay up that hill?!?!?

It was a great hike and I'm glad that I talked my friends into coming with me and their patience in waiting whenever I couldn't breathe for a few minutes. Yay for the amazing ability of the mind to quickly erase the memory of pain! :D

26 July, 2008

When the Parents are Away

My parents left early yesterday morning to go on a vacation to Washington State. So, what to do while the parents are away..... Crazy parties? Not doing any dishes? Leaving things laying around? Watch TV all day? Anything I darn well want to do...
Well, ever since I was a kid, I would go crazy trying to find food to eat. My brother and I had a certain route we would take every time we were looking for a snack. Fridge, closet (pantry), downstairs (food storage), repeat. Amazingly enough, nothing ever seemed to magically appear after the first few cycles. So, I decided to be ambitious and do a little organizing to more quickly see available foods.

And for the closet....

If anybody ever needs any hot chocolate.... we have quite the collection. Amazingly enough, only two flavors were repeated.

So, now that I can find the food, time to party! ;)