28 May, 2008

Memories for Memorial Day

This Memorial weekend I was able to escape to my little piece of Heaven (aka Logan)! Being down in West Valley makes me miss it all the more, so every chance I get (when I can afford gas), I make the trip up. Although it was rainy everywhere else, Logan held onto sunshine for most of the weekend. However, it had rained almost the whole week before so it was beautiful. I'm willing to live with some rain to get that kind of green everywhere!
I was also lucky that a bunch of my friends were still in town, so we had lots of fun. I've never gone golfing, so we went and hit a bucket of balls (didn't miss too much and had some pretty good hits), played horseshoes, went to Indiana Jones, played frisbee, went bowling, played more horseshoes, cleaned a church (I have sore legs from all the squats you don't realize you're doing until after), and went shotgun shooting with a group of guys. I didn't shoot at first, but when I realized they were missing a lot, I didn't feel so nervous and took my turn. I had about 5 really good shots. I just won't tell you out of how many... :)
A couple of my friends and I also went to IHOP for breakfast/lunch for Memorial Day and had a really fun experience. While we were waiting and waiting and waiting.... we met this older gentleman who had come by himself. He was one of the infamous summertime Pineview dwellers who just wanted a stack of pancakes and sausages. Well, when they finally got around to seating us, we didn't want to make him eat alone, so we invited him to eat with us. He had some great stories to tell and we loved listening to him.
All in all, the two and a half hour drive up to that beautiful place was well worth the trip (and the gas).

06 May, 2008

Oh How Quickly Time Flies By

As I have watched a great number of my close friends graduate this year, I've done a little reminiscing over the past year since I was in their shoes. I found it hard to believe that as of yesterday, it had been a full year. What has happened in that year? Was it a year I could be proud of? Would I tell my kids about that amazing first year after graduating? It is one of the hardest and yet most exciting times in one's life. Did I take full advantage of it?
Trying to answer all those questions has been interesting. I can't believe a full year has passed! Wow, time flies! However, I wouldn't want to change much at all. I was able to spend a lot of time watching my niece grow. It's amazing how the simple thing of standing up can be so exciting! Children are simply amazing and wonderful to spend time with. It was also great getting to know my sister and her husband better. Living in a different state was also a wonderful experience. Meeting a lot of really good people who have become good friends as well as adapting to a different culture made a great impact on my life.
Now, I am back in Utah, I have a fun job, and I can't wait to see what another year will bring.