01 March, 2009

He Asked.....

And I said YES!
So everyone has an update, yes, it happened! :)  I got to Australia on Wednesday morning and was proposed to that night.  It wasn't exactly expected on either sides, but as he was vocalizing some oh so sweet words, it flowed naturally to that point.  Of course he couldn't use his best material and not ask. :)  It was at his house and not what he had planned on doing, so he proposed again on Friday as he initially intended.  Who could ask for more?  Two proposals in one week!  He's lucky I said yes both times. ;)
The second proposal was a good romantic setting of the beach at night.  The water was black with the waves crashing in white with the light sandy beaches.  There was a cool breeze and amazing stars.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.
As for the rest of the trip, it's been a lot of fun with a trip to a wild animal sanctuary (where I was able to hold a koala and baby crocodile, pet kangaroos, and feed Lorakeets), Wet and Wild, and Australian Spectacular.  That's all in 4 days!  I can't wait to see what the rest of the trip brings.  Pictures and more to come (other than the ring of course).


The Lloyd's said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Small world. Sounds like you're having a blast!

BrookeandJordan said...

Jess!!!! OH my gosh CONGRATS!!!! Im so excited for you!!!!

Brandon and Julie said...

congratulations, that is so exciting, am I gathering that you are moving to Australia? so glad everything worked out so swell.

Natalie said...

First of all... YAY you updated your blog! Second... a BIGGER YAY that you posted with this story! What a cute way to propose. And what a pretty ring!

Congrats! (again)

Pallas said...

Congrats Jess!

Randy & Laura said...

Yeah...I won't even tell you how shocked I was to check your blog and have a different post! :) yay! I'm so excited for you! What a stud! We need a girls day as soon as you get back so we can see the ring in person! :)